Monday 8 February 2016

The people who make a difference are not the ones with the credentials but the ones with the concern.

Hello all,
There was a leopard in the jungle; and a very nocturnal leopard he was too. He could hardly sleep at night and, lying on a branch of his magnificent tree, he spent his time watching what was happening in the forest at night. This is how he came to learn that there was a thief in that forest. He would watch the thief go out every night with empty hands and return loaded up with his stolen loot. Sometimes the thief had nabbed the senior monkey’s bananas, other times he had filched the lion’s wig, or pinched the zebra’s stripes. One night he even snuck home with the big elephant’s false tusk, which the elephant had been secretly wearing for quite some time.
However, as the leopard was a very quiet sort of cat, who lived at the margin of everything, he didn’t want to say anything to anyone. He didn’t see it as his business, and, if truth were told, he rather enjoyed discovering these little secrets.
And so, thanks to the stealthy thief, quite a stir was being created in the world of the animals: the elephant felt ridiculous without his false tusk, and the zebra now looked like a white donkey, not to mention the lion who, now as bald as a lioness had lost all respect. Most of the other animals were in some similar position too. They were furious, confused or ridiculous, but the leopard lay quietly in his tree, each night enjoying the thief’s escapades.
However, one night the thief went on vacation, and after having waited a long while for him to appear, the leopard grew tired and decided to sleep for a while. When he woke up he found himself in a place very different from his usual tree, he was floating on the water of a small lake inside a cave, and around him he could see all those objects which, night after night, he had seen being stolen… the thief had cut down his tree and stolen his entire home along with the leopard himself! Well this was the last straw, so the leopard, taking advantage of the thief not being there, ran out and went straight to see the other animals to tell them where the thief had hidden all their things...
They all praised the leopard for having discovered the thief and his hideout, and allowing them to recover their possessions. In the end, the animal who lost most from all this was the leopard, who couldn’t replant his magnificent tree and had to make do with a much inferior tree located in a very boring site... and he regretted having not been concerned at the problems of the other animals, now seeing that in the long run those very problems had become his own.
Indifference to the problems of others can allow those problems to grow until they end up being problems to ourselves.
Ignoring things won’t make them go away. It only makes it harder to face then when they finally come around. Escalate your concerns and drive them into action and resolve it in a right way.
The people who make a difference are not the ones with the credentials but the ones with the concern.
Will be continued…….
Have a good day.


Many times, people do the same thing. They restrict themselves and never reach their potential

Hello all,

The Story is about Fleas which are small wingless jumping insects!!!

Flea trainers have observed a predictable and strange habit of fleas while 
training them.

 Fleas are trained by putting them in a cardboard box with a top on it. The fleas will jump up and hit the top of the cardboard box over and over and over again. 

As you watch them jump and hit the lid, something very interesting becomes obvious. The fleas continue to jump, but they are no longer jumping high enough to hit the top. 

Apparently, Excedrin headache 1738 forces them to limit the height of their jump.When you take off the lid, the fleas continue to jump, but they will not jump out of the box. 

They won't jump out because they can't jump out. Why? The reason is simple. They have conditioned themselves to jump just so high. Once they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that's all they can do!

Many times, people do the same thing. They restrict themselves and never reach their potential. Just like the fleas, they fail to jump higher, thinking they are doing all they can do.

Will be continued…..

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Excellence is a drive from inside, not outside.

Hello All,
A Gentleman once visited a temple under construction and saw a sculpture making an Idol.

  Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying nearby. Surprised! he asked do you need two statues of the same kind?

“No” said the sculptor continuing his work, we need only one; the first one got damaged at last stage. The gentleman examined the idol and found no apparent damage.

 Where is the damage? he asked .

There is a scratch on the nose of the idol said the sculptor still busy with his work.

The man asked where are you going to install the idol? The sculptor replied that it will be at 20 feet height on a pillar.

 If the idol is that high who is going to know that there is scratch on the nose? The gentleman asked.

The sculptor stopped work, looked up at the gentleman smiled and said “I WILL KNOW IT”

The desire to excel should be exclusive of the fact whether someone appreciates it or not.

 Excellence is a drive from inside, not outside. 

Excel at a task today – not necessarily for someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction.

Will be continued……..
Have a great weekend.


There’s gold in you too. You need to dig more for the treasures inside you

Hello All,

There’s a story about the California gold rush that tells of two brothers who sold all they had and went prospecting for gold.

They discovered a vein of the shining ore, staked a claim, and proceeded to get down to the serious business of getting the gold ore out of the mine.

 All went well at first, but then a strange thing happened. 

The vein of the gold ore disappeared!

They had come to the end of the rainbow, and the pot of gold was no longer there. 

The brothers continued to pick away, but without success. Finally they gave up in disgust.

They sold their equipment and claim rights for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home.

 Now the man who bought the claim hired an engineer to examine the rock strata of the mine.

 The engineer advised him to continue digging in the same spot where the former owners had left off. And three feet deeper, the new owner struck gold.

A little more persistence and the two brothers would have been millionaires themselves.

There’s gold in you too. You need to dig more for the treasures inside you…
Will be continued……..

Every obstacle presents an opportunity

Hello All,
In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. 
Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. 
Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. 
Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. 
After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded.

After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been.

The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway.

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to know something new and to improve our condition.

Most of the obstacles melt away when we make up our minds to walk boldly through them.

Have a good day.
Will be continued….


Friday 29 January 2016


Getting a good night’s sleep is pivotal for our health, body, mind, and our mood, especially since we spend one-third of our lives asleep. While it is recommended every adult get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation, for many of us this is easier said than done. Sleep difficulty can be caused by a number of things, ranging from eating or drinking the wrong things before bed to our sleep position.
“Eighty percent of the population will have back problems at some point in [their] lives oftentimes caused or aggravated by the way they sleep,” Dr. Hooman Melamed, an orthopedic spine surgeon at the DISC Sports & Spine Center in Los Angeles, Calif., featured on The Doctors,Dr. Oz, and The Steve Harvey Show, told Medical Daily in an email. This suggests our p.m. pose could be the cause of our back and neck pain, stomach troubles, and even premature aging. To discover the best sleep positions for our body and the ones we may want to avoid, Medical Dailyhas put together a list so you can optimize your hours of sleep and stay healthy.

Best Position: On Your Back

Sleeping on our back makes it easier for our head, neck, and spine to align and keep it in a neutral position. No extra pressure or curves are being added to the back. “You are in the best position as your spine stays in natural alignment all night long,” Melamed said.
Dr. Michael Breus, known as “The Sleep Doctor,” is a clinical psychologist and both a diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, who also sides with Melamed’s recommendation of lying on your back during sleep. In Dr. Mehmet Oz’s sleep clinic last Thursday, Oz and sleep specialists answered questions and provided sleep tips for Twitter users using #DrOzSleepClinic, and via phone toll-free at 844-223-006. I asked the most common question most people have in mind: What#sleep position is best for our body in order to get a good night's sleep?”


This position is good for your back, too. It prevents facial wrinkles and skin breakouts. “Sleeping on your back also combats acid reflux,” said Dr. Decontee Jimmeh, a neurologist in Norwood Clinic in Birmingham, Ala. to Medical Daily in an email. Lying on your back means the head is elevated, and the stomach is able to sit below the esophagus, making it less likely for digested substances to come back up. It’s important to note sleeping in this position can result in snoring. In addition, placing your arms up adds pressure on the nerves of the shoulders, which leads to pain.

Image result for healthiest sleeping positionsSecond Best: On Your Side

Sleeping on your side is beneficial for patients who have obstructive sleep apnea, prone to general snoring, neck and back pain, and for those pregnant. Fletcher said “[S]leeping on one’s side is helpful by mechanically opening up a crowded oropharynx. It also elongates the spine, which helps back pain.”
Being a side-sleeper, however, can also cause unwanted skin aging, since placing one side of your face on the pillow can cause you to get wrinkles, and even leads to saggy breasts.

On The Right Side And On The Left Side

The side in which you sleep on can also play a role in your health. Sleeping on the ride side can worsen heartburn. However, sleeping on the left side can put a strain on internal organs like the liver, lungs, and stomach, but also while reducing acid reflux. Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their left side for optimal blood flow.
Vivian Eisenstadt, physical therapist in Los Angeles, Calif., told Medical Daily in an email, “if you’re going to sleep on your side, pillow prop using the following: an ergonomic pillow thick enough so your head doesn’t tilt down, a small pillow under your waist so your stomach doesn’t curve down, and a 3rd pillow between your legs.”

The Worst: On Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is never advised because it doesn’t support the natural curve of your spine, leading to overarching. This places pressure on joints and muscles that can lead to pain, numbness, and tingling. “[I]t forces your neck to be in a rotated, closed pack, tight position, which also compromises your breathing and circulation,” Eisenstadt said.
Stomach-sleeping could be beneficial for those who snore as it helps keep the upper airways more open. However, this having the head to one side for a long period of time could soon lead to aching. This position should also be avoided for those who suffer from neck or back pain.

Second Worst: On Your Side With Knees Drawn Up To Chest (Fetal)

The fetal position may be comforting at the moment, but this can lead to neck and back pain, wrinkles, and saggy breasts. Sleeping in the fetal position can cause a strain on your back and joints, especially when your knees and chin are tucked into your chest. Melamed suggests we avoid sleeping on our side, like the fetal position, because the shoulder and neck should be aligned when sleeping. “You should choose a softer mattress to avoid press points but not one so soft that it doesn't properly support your neck,” he said.
Sleep positions and the type of mattress you have play a major role in providing support along the contours of your body as you lie in bed. Placing pressure to any given parts of the body can disrupt sleep. A good night’s sleep requires a good sleeping environment, a good mattress, and plenty of rest.

For something so simple (even babies do it), sleep isn’t such an easy thing. Both too little and too much time dozing has been linked to a host of health problems, from obesity and heart disease to dementia and diabetes. And sleep position can play a role in snoring, heartburn, and even wrinkles! Read on to see if you should switch it up in bed (remember, we’re talking sleep here).

Back Sleepers

Pros: Snoozing in savasana pose is a boon for spine and neck health, because the back is straight and not forced into any contortions. Plus back sleeping helps the mattress do its job of supporting the spine. In a perfect (and kind of uncomfy) world, everyone would sleep on their backs without a pillow, as this position leaves the neck in a neutral position. Using too many pillows, however, can make breathing more difficult.
Back sleeping is also a winner for the more cosmetically inclined. Spending all night with the face out in the air—and not smooshed up against a pillow—leads to fewer facial wrinkles ((The influence of the sleeping on the formation of facial wrinkles.
Cons: Instances of snoring and sleep apnea are much more frequent when a person is sleeping in the supine position. In fact,back sleeping is so closely linked to sleep apnea that doctors prescribe side sleeping as a treatment for the condition. When we sleep on our backs, gravity forces the base of the tongue to collapse into the airway, which obstructs breathing and creates oh-so-pleasant snoring noises that keeps the neighbors up at night.
It’s also worth noting that a supported spine doesn’t always necessarily mean a good night’s sleep. A study comparing the sleep habits of good sleepers and poor sleepers noted the people with worse-quality sleep spent more time on their backs than the good sleepers (Sleep positions in the young adult and their relationship with the subjective quality of sleep.

Side Sleepers

Pros: Side sleepers, unite! Whether they’re curling up in the cozy fetal position or lying straight on one side, the vast majority of people report sleeping on their sides (although since everyone is unconscious during sleep, this information can never be entirely accurate).
Doctors encourage sleeping on the left side during pregnancy because it improves circulation to the heart, which benefits both mom and baby. Side sleeping is also a pregnancy winner because sleeping on the back puts pressure on the lower back (which can lead to fainting) and stomach-sleeping is impossible for obvious reasons ((When it comes to pregnant women sleeping, is left right?. For those not expecting, sleeping on the left side can also ease heartburn and acid reflux, making it easier for people with these conditions to doze off.
Cons: At the same time, sleeping on the left side can put pressure on the stomach and lungs (alternating sides often can help prevent organ strain). And as almost all side-sleepers know well, this position can result in the dreaded squished-arm-numbness. Snuggling into bed with the arm behind the head is a common sleep position, but it may adversely affect muscles and nerves. Resting the head (or the whole body) on a single arm can restrict blood flow and press down on the nerves, which results in “rubber arm” or painful pins and needles. In this position, the shoulder supports a lot of the body’s weight, which can constrict the neck and shoulder muscles ((Sleep position and shoulder pain.

Image result for healthiest sleeping positionsStomach Sleepers

Pros: Stomach sleeping eases snoring and some cases of sleep apnea, but that’s pretty much the only good thing about going belly-down at night.
Image result for healthiest sleeping positionsCons: Resting on the tummy is widely regarded as the worst sleeping position. It flattens the natural curve of the spine, which can lead to lower back pain. Sleeping all night with the head turned to one side also strains the neck. If this is the preferred position, try using pillows to gradually train the body to sleep on one side. Lower back twinges? Try sticking a pillow under the hips and lower abdomen to give the bottom of the spine a boost.

Good things come to those who Believe, Better things come to those who are Patient and the Best things come to those who Don’t Give up.

Hello All,

Once, a king had announced that anyone who wanted the post of personal assistant must meet him. 

Many people gathered in the palace. The king led them to a pond and said, "Whoever will fill this 

pond's water in this pot will be chosen for the post. But remember, there is a hole in the pot." 

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So some people left without a single try. While some people tried for once and then said, "The king 

has already chosen someone else. Let's go."

But one man kept filling the pot with pond water patiently. He filled the water in the pot from the 

pond and came out on the ground. But always within few moments, the water poured on the ground 

completely. He tried that uncountable number of times. At last the pond became empty. The man 

found a diamond ring in the empty pond and he gave it to the king. Then the king said, "This ring is 

reward for your patience and hard work. You are fit for the job."

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Good things come to those who Believe, Better things come to those who are Patient and the Best things come to those who Don’t Give up.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Learn to Appreciate what you are given.

Hello all,
Once upon a time, there was a man who was very helpful, kind-hearted, and generous. He was a man who will help someone without asking anything to pay him back. He will help someone because he wants to and he loves to. One day while walking into a dusty road, this man saw a purse, so he picked it up and noticed that the purse was empty. Suddenly a woman with a policeman shows up and gets him arrested.
The woman kept on asking where did he hide her money but the man replied, “It was empty when I found it, Mam.” The woman yelled at him, “Please give it back, It’s for my son’s school fees.” The man noticed that the woman really felt sad, so he handed all his money. He could say that the woman was a single mother. The man said, “Take these, sorry for the inconvenience.” The woman left and policeman held the man for further questioning.
The woman was very happy but when she counted her money later on, it was doubled, she was shocked. One day while woman was going to pay her son’s school fees towards the school, she noticed that some skinny man was walking behind her. She thought that he may rob her, so she approached a policeman standing nearby. He was the same policeman, who she took along to inquire about her purse. The woman told him about the man following her, but suddenly they saw that man collapsing. They ran at him, and saw that he was the same man whom they arrested few days back for stealing a purse.
He looked very weak and woman was confused. The policeman said to the woman, “He didn’t return your money, he gave you his money that day. He wasn’t the thief but hearing about your son’s school fees, he felt sad and gave you his money.” Later, they helped man stand up, and man told the woman, “Please go ahead and pay your son’s school fees, I saw you and followed you to be sure that no one steals your son’s school fees.” The woman was speechless.
Life gives you strange experiences, sometimes it may surprise you. We end up making wrong judgments or mistakes in our anger, desperation and frustration. However, when you get a second chance, correct your mistakes and return the favour. Learn to Appreciate what you are given.

Will be continued…….

Friday 22 January 2016

When you focus on possibilities you will have more opportunities.

Hello All,
A prodigy rock climber, Hugh Herr by age eight had scaled the face of the 11,627 foot Mount Temple in the Canadian Rockies, He had the passion of rock climbing and by 17 he was acknowledged to be one of the best climbers in the United States.
In January 1982, after having ascended a difficult technical ice route in Huntington Ravine on Mount Washington in New Hampshire, Herr caught in a blizzard and became disoriented, ultimately descending into the Great Gulf where they passed three nights in −29 °C degree temperatures. By the time he rescued, he had suffered severe frostbite. Both of Herr’s legs had to be amputated below the knees
Did he stop his passion after the tragic accident ? Absolutely “NO”
Then, how can it be possible to climb rocks without legs?
What do you think..? Is it Imaginable?
He began working on advanced leg prostheses and orthoses, devices that emulate the functionality of the human leg. Using specialized prostheses that he designed, he created prosthetic feet with high toe stiffness that made it possible to stand on small rock edges the width of a coin, and titanium-spiked feet that assisted him in ascending steep ice walls. He used these prostheses to alter his height to avoid awkward body positions and to grab the hand and foot holds previously out of reach. His height could range from five to eight feet.
As a result of using the prostheses, Herr climbed at a more advanced level than he had before the accident, making him the first person with a major amputation to perform in a sport on par with elite-level, able-bodied persons.
Hugh is currently director of the Bio-mechatronics research group at the MIT Media Lab where he focuses on developing wearable robotic systems that serve to augment human strength, endurance and agility. The computer-controlled knee, which is outfitted with a microprocessor that continually senses the joint’s position and the loads applied to the limb, was named to the list of Top Ten Inventions in the health category by TIME magazine in 2004. The robotic ankle-foot prosthesis, which emulates the action of a biological leg and, for the first time, provides amputees with a natural gait, was named to the same TIME top-ten list in 2007. Also in 2007, Hugh was presented with the 13th Annual Heinz Award for Technology,
By his determination, passion and will power he changed his failure into an opportunity to invent artificial legs for his own. Today his inventions are used by many people to achieve their accomplishment
When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities you will have more opportunities.
Will be continued……..

Have a great week ahead


When we are unhappy, we don’t live but exist.

Hello All,
Once a Father and his Son were sitting on the shore of a wild and stormy river.
Son asked his father, “Dad, why the time flows straight, but with always ripples, either slowing down to a complete stop or racing like a horse”
Father looked at the running water stream and replied to his son;
“You see there are a few large stones in the river and a lot a small pebbles. Imagine that the river is your life. If you will only rejoice over big occasions about your wedding that will happen next month, that after one year you will have a son, that after five years you will be able to start your business, then you will cross your life in a few jumps, like jumping from one stone to another. If you will move in small paces over the pebbles, taking joy in small things like a sunny day, the beauty of autumn forest, a good conversation, later looking back at your life you won’t see ten big stones, on which you jumped, but lots of your own traces, every of which you will be able to remember with a happy smile. And you will see that the road that you have crossed is much longer.”
“But Dad, when I do the work that I like, the time flies fast, but the same time drags so long when I’m hurting, when I’m afraid and alone.”
“You see,” the father answered, “this is what it should be. When we are unhappy, we don’t live but exist. During it, the time lies still in our wallets and only for our happiness we pay the ringing coin of time that we still have left.”

Will be continued……..

Cherish every minute of your life.

Hello all
One person worked long and hard for making a great career. One day he decided to rest from the work and to live in luxury for his pleasure, which he could afford because of his wealth.
Just when he made this decision, an angel of death came to him.

Being a very wealthy person, he decided to buy some more time from the angel of death at any cost. He bargained for a long time but the angel was unmoved.
Desperate, the rich man made the last proposal to the angel:
Give me just one hour of my life, so that I could admire the beauty of this earth for the last time and spend some time with my family and friends whom I haven’t seen for a long time, and I will give you all of my wealth.
But the angel refused again.
Finally, the man asked if the angel could give him at least one minute so that he could write a goodbye note. His wish was granted and he wrote a note:
“Spend your time, which was given to you, in the right way. I couldn’t buy even an hour of life with all of my wealth. Listen to your heart and check if the things surrounding you have a true value. Cherish every minute of your life.”

There is no other way to live life without going through a time frame. Spend your time wisely by doing the right for the first time. Errors usually result in spending time in making corrections or doing something over again, which wastes your time.
Will be continued……..


Be positive in every situation

Hello All,
The lush green garden was inviting and peaceful. Mary choose to sit on the bench beneath an old willow tree. She was so stressed out with the routine problems of her life. She just wanted to retire; from everything; from everywhere. Her frowns were clear enough to express her disgust. She sat there for hours till her silence was broken by the voice of a young boy. “Look, what I have found!”

The boy looked untidy as if he came running from play. He was sitting beside her. Mary was simply not interested in him and did not respond.
The boy was holding a dry flower in his hand and said to her. “I have got this for you! Isn’t it beautiful?

Would you be my friend?” The boy asked her with a big smile.

Mary was so surprised to see this teenager wanting to be friend an aged lady. She did not say anything and kept looking at him.. Mary was bit annoyed at his gesture; but she kept quiet. The boy took the flower near his nose trying to smell it deeper. “It smells wonderful. I’m sure it’s gonna make your day!“ He said happily. Mary did not know how to react. She thought that the boy was crazy. Otherwise he would never insist on giving her a dry flower and then smell it and compliment it so much! As it is, Mary was disgusted with her own problems. The strange attitude of the boy annoyed her all the more.

“Please accept it; it is for you only!” He said again.
Mary thought the best way to get rid of this new unwanted problem was to take the flower so that the boy goes away. As she took out her hand to take the flower from him, she saw that instead of holding the flower near her hand, he was holding it in the air! Mary was shocked to discover that the boy could not see; he was blind. She was taken aback! She opened her mouth for the first time and said, “Thank You so much!” The boy smiled and went away.

She was still wondering how the blind boy could see her problem! How could he know that this dry flower would make her day? Then she realized that all the problems she was tired of did not belong to the world; the problems were with her own self. She had to change her way of seeing things. Her new friend, who could not see, showed her that happiness can lie even in a dry and dead flower, if the heart of the viewer is evergreen. Mary took the dry flower in her hand and decided to make a fresh start with her life. She promised herself that she would see everything in a positive way.
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.

 So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into great something. Be positive in every situation and let everyone know that today you`re a lot stronger than you were yesterday.
Will be continued……..


“Hard work pays off”

Hello All,
A pottery teacher split her class into two halves. To the first half she said, "You will spend the semester studying pottery, planning, designing, and creating your perfect pot. At the end of the semester, there will be a competition to see whose pot is the best".

To the other half she said, "You will spend your semester making lots of pots. Your grade will be based on the number of completed pots you finish. At the end of the semester, you'll also have the opportunity to enter your best pot into a competition."

The first half of the class threw themselves into their research, planning, and design. Then they set about creating their one, perfect pot for the competition.

The second half of the class immediately grabbed fist-fulls of clay and started churning out pots. They made big ones, small ones, simple ones, and intricate ones. Their muscles ached for weeks as they gained the strength needed to throw so many pots.

At the end of class, both halves were invited to enter their most perfect pot into the competition. Once the votes were counted, all of the best pots came from the students that were tasked with quantity. The practice they gained made them significantly better potters than the planners on a quest for a single, perfect pot.

I know you`ve heard it a thousand times before. But it`s true “Hard work pays off”. If you want to be perfect, You have to practice.

Will be continued……..